Freenas 0.7.1 安裝記錄
Mount CDROM.
Installing system image on device da0.
gzip: stdout: broken pipe
Error: Failed to dd image on ‘/dev/da0′!
Unmount CDROM.
There was a problem while copying files.
Press ENTER to continue.
- 不死心,原本以為是版本的問題,也試過將不同類型的USB隨身碟,同樣無效!!
- 最後,在Google上找到解法
- 不插隨身碟,使用安裝CD先開機載入核心
- 等待輸入時再插入隨身碟
- 按下9,將Freenas安裝於隨身碟
- 成功
Mount CDROM.
Installing system image on device da0.
GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider da0a is ufsid/************.
Unmount CDROM.
FreeNAS has been installed on da0.
You can now remove the CDROM and reboot the PC.
- 如果插著隨身碟開機,會寫入檔案\conf\config.xml,造成隨身碟無法被format